Happiness, Glitter & Daydreams

One woman's unpredictable journey through life , love and happiness whilst snuggled in Faith.I choose happiness ...

Finding Joy in the Journey ...

By 21:43 , , , ,

It's been a long two weeks and the terrible start to the year seems unending as once again we have had 3 members of my family in hospital. Despite the obvious challenges I really am trying very hard to find joy in the  journey ...

Life is so precious and in the blink of an eye you may find yourself sitting in an emergency room , praying for God to spare the life of a loved one , not once but twice as I did these past two weeks. It is however super important to be thankful and steadfast in your Faith, as if there is no foundation in your family who else can carry their cross but you ... giving all to God and submitting your family even when they are not believers is so important ...surrender all to Him and trust Him , for He is Faithful.

This week my mum had a hip replacement and I am so grateful to the Doctor's who do miraculous operations these days , but I am also grateful to God who always ensures that she gets the best possible care and attention.

Celebrate each new day and find the joy in your journey ...never forgetting to be thankful to our Lord God Almighty!

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